gift store Swansea

We Are Now Full Time Gift Store Owners. Scary Times

So, a lot’s been going on since our last update.  During May the funny gift store team have gone from their boring and mundane jobs to full time business owners. Scary stuff, eh?  These exciting times mean that we are now 100% committed to making our little novelty gift shop in Swansea work.  As you can imagine, it’s a kind of shit or bust scenario. But we love the excitement and fun the next few months are going to bring. As ever, our stock of funny notebooks and mousepads are flying out of the door as quickly as ever, but now our world is about funny cards for every occasion.

Father’s Day is Coming

Nursing Home Card

Now we have got the mums out of the way, we can begin looking forward to spoiling our dads in the coming months, and what better way to do it than with our range of weird and funny father’s day cards?  Ok, some of them are a bit weird we admit, but they’re great addition to one of our cool presents you can also buy from our store.  Treat the grumpy old bastard to a pair of rude socks, or a pair of personalised flip flops. If an image of their own face on them can’t cheer him up, then nothing will.  Remember, the 19th of June is the big day, so get shopping in advance and keep an eye out for some amazing offers over the coming weeks.

We Love Our Pets

don't be rude

As we have reported in previous blog posts, we were taking aback by how well our pet range has gone down with our customers.  Our funny pet food mats are going crazy, and our pet cushion covers are slowly covering every sofa around the world. But what’s next? Well, we’re glad you’ve asked.   It would be unfair for all of the humans on the planet to get a card to celebrate their special day, so we will be launching our range of funny pet cards to give to your 4 legged friends.  Yes, it’s a little but crazy and quirky we know. However, we all know that the UK especially is a nation of crazy pet lovers.

1000 Facebook Followers

Whoever thought that during April and May we would have got over 1000 sales though our Etsy store, along with our 1000th Facebook follower?  It’s humbling and of course pretty awesome to see people loving what we do.  When we started our journey, we wanted to be the best gift store in Swansea. But now we have firmly set our sites on becoming the number one place to buy something funny online. Of course, we can’t do this without you guys, so we thank you from the bottom of our heart and severely overdrawn bank balance.

As well as promoting on Facebook, the social media guru that is Sam has been posting cool and interactive content on our Instagram feed and our newly created Tik Tok account. Whoever thought a boy from the South Wales Valley’s and a girl from Morriston Swansea could get so technical?

What’s next?

Well now we’re running our gift store full time we have had to make a load of big decisions that will affect the course of our journey over the coming months. Such as, where do we go for lunch each day? and who’s turn it is to make the tea?  But one thing is for sure, we are committed to building a brand that people will love. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for a funny tote bag, a baby bib to make you cringe or a t-shirt to embarrass your friend, we are the only place you will need to visit.  Stay away from those idiots at Amazon and help us grow our own business.

In some other amazing news you will be pleased to hear that we are in the process of finalising our designs for our 2023 calendar range. Our ever-popular favourites such as ‘hungover owls’ and ‘dog fails’ will of course be back, but we will also be launching some new ranges to make you giggle. Stay tuned for more news on this.

So that’s it.  As you can see, we have been busy bees over the last few weeks and we can’t wait to update you on the next stage of our journey.  As ever, thank you for all of your support in helping us grow.  Owning a business is tough, but your comments and feedback in the early hours of the morning are what keeps us going, and knowing we are making people laugh all over the world.

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