Funny Gifts

The Inspiration For Our Funny Gifts

One day we were sat in out office in South Wales looking for a funny gift to give to a family member. We hit the usual haunts of Etsy and Amazon and were blown away by the amount of rubbish in there. And by rubbish we mean, replicated designs, teddy bears and of course unicorns.  Everything has those evil horse-like creatures on them these days.  So as a team of web designers in Swansea we thought ‘we can capitalise on this’ We know how to design and we know what good looks like, and so the funny gift store was formed.

Now we know there are business out there that use crude language to get customers. And good luck to them. They have capitalised on a niche and are developing a great business out of it.  However, Our products are right on the fringe of what is acceptable for anyone to wear or use. Sure, some of the products we sell has the occasional F bomb or strategically placed ‘shit’. But our inspiration comes from a play on words to make people think. Now that’s damn clever.

Our Celebrity Inspirations

There are some cult figures out the that inspire our funny products. Some of them are still alive and well. Some of them have sadly passed. Some of them are just weird.  Here are some of the characters that we have managed to put on our funny mouse mats, flip flops, baby items and t-shirts.

Mahatma Gandhi – The famous Indian leader has now become a staple for our funny flip flop range

Bob Ross – The legendary cult painter of the 70’s is now one of our best-selling celebrities with us iconic phrase ‘Happy Little Accidents’

Kim Jong Un – The supreme leader of the secretive county of North Korea is a new entrant on our radar and will be making lots of appearances on our website

Vladimir Putin – Russia’s premier is now on several of our products. We think he would be ecstatic if he were to see them.  We may even post him some to use himself.

Phil Mitchel – The star of the UK soap opera EastEnders. The nations favourite alcoholic now appears on our funny baby grows and bibs.

Dali Lama – Current leader of the Tibetan people is a cult religious figure who’s face is instantly recognisable.  So, we have had some fun and created some cool gifts in his honour. We hope he likes them.


As you can see, our inspiration to design funny and unique gifts has come from a variety of sources. As long as what we do makes people laugh, we will continue to push the boundaries. But it’s not about just the faces of famous people. We try to make ever day objects and quotes laughable. If it’s about turning two tomatoes and a cucumber into something rude, or having a rant about everyday life, we promise to keep innovating and designing based on what our customers want and love.

The funny gift store is growing rapidly, and we aim to be the one stop shop for all things gift related around the world. Our expansion plans are big, but we will never outgrow our mission statement of putting a smile on peoples faces with every single product we sell.  Please pay a visit to our store and get a truly unique gift for someone close to you. We also to a range of presents for secret Santa’s, leaving gifts and thank you tokens of appreciation. So, get shopping now and break from the norm and the boring.

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